Friday, December 21, 2012

What is inside your mind?

what is inside your mind?
hmm ...
mmm ...
this is inside :)
"Here is the deepest secret nobody knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that keeping the stars apart, i carry your heart.  I carry it in my heart"   by e.e cummings
may every voyages are worth to explore.
happy long weekend.

Friday, December 14, 2012

twist of fate

the world whispering
somebody is return home
between the busiest
twist or fate? ...

the world sounding
to somebody
this time will have a different bit of rhyme
can't force the regular treat

twist for whistle
like a wind
spotting right rhythms
to get precious

onward is a decisions
twist for tapping the fate

the wind blowing
like a natural calling
for those believing in miracles
having a tap dance

gathering for the bright
in every chances
for new life
in great spirit

natural calling ! natural calling!
let's tapping on marching
purity cheers at circling

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Senikmat Durian Malam ini

mmm inget2 apa yang mu diminta -- tuing pluk pluk! --
doanya udah dikasih liat kan tu Tuhan, kalo gitu wishnya minta lancar aja kali ya :D
:D :D
selancar nemu malaikat-malaikat baik hati dalam perjalanan (^__^)
senikmat duren yang tadi jatoh , keciiil sih tapi pas yang bagian gw lahap pas yang dagingnya tebel, pdhal ga ngarep apa-apa pas lagi dibelah duriannya.  Terima kasih loo Tuhan untuk yang kecil-kecil cabe rawitnya.

hidup lancaaaaarrr jaya!

tralalala triliiilili
hehehe senandung dari dalem nih kebeneran frekuensi radio muterin lagu2 yg so so enak di denger laah

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tap on 11th

tap on eleventh and wanna put this words here :

That magic seeds are giving miracles to love timeless ... :) -- thanks

Continue with this :

image comes from mayapada world (search engine syst)

Sunday, December 9, 2012


LoVe Doesn’t MakE ThE WoRLD Go Round  .

LoVE is wHat MakES tHE Ride Worthwhile.

Franklin P Jones

Saturday, December 1, 2012


waaaa udh napak di bulan terakhir sajaaa.
will be pas setaun kl nyentuh tanggal belasan ... hmmm
kutuuuuuu --- kutukiskan eh kutuliskan mantra di jidatmu biar dijagain terus sama Allah SWT :))
dan gara2 si Tempe yang namplok jd ikutan nampol di memori , kmanapun liat tempe jdnya inget tempe kembar berbentuk huruf x-)) ... mungkin rejeki kita kaya tempe.
Makanan tradisional citarasa eksklusif tapi tetep global efeknya ... hiduuuup Tempe Indonesia ! ^_^

selamat jalan november
senang berjumpa december :)