Monday, September 21, 2020

Positive Vibes

Take and give said from the old time even since i'm not born yet. How far you've been applicate that in your life? or Have your environment giving you awareness to do take and give as the concious for positive? or you might in that habit since the old time. Anyway not everyone knows this take & give action as things that would bring positive in mind and glad in heart. The childhood already surround by this action, i remember that several kids from international school just came around at our neighborhood for helping cleaned vehicles. U saw them working full of spirit to help each other. In one positive charity bring out another positive then and so on. So what kind action you already done for others? (don't mention here just put the answer into your own mind) Simple action could bring positive can make you feel the vibes to do other kindness. A good act take value and give another to those accept that. Thats a little positive take and give from the past that impact another fun later on. Just spread it vibes and loading happiness then. Somehow it could be a simple teach in everywhere to everywhere too. (^_^) Keep PositiVo, positive Keep.