Monday, February 23, 2015

Opini bintang dari masa lampau ^_^

Disebelah posting ttg bintang jd inget sesuatu dari masa yg lama juga. Sebuah catatan ttg tulisan seorang yg gemar nulis juga. Kalo ga salah waktu itu ngasih opini lanjutan ttg tulisannya.

"But actually to be a star isn't always nice", said a blue star
"A star might be famous, but star is only noticed when surrounded by darkness. Many can we make wishes upon us, but only as long as there were no clouds. And often we were regarded only as a backdrop for the moon that shines".
(Vahdventure book)

Mmm lalu dilemparlah opini dari otak belu si sleby
"Star is only showing at night and companion a moon, but star is always stay at many people mind without they notices whether it darkness or light. Star is staying warm at every hearts of world. They are a great gift that balancing a moon whether its closed by the cloud"

"All are about transition, transformation. No other stuffs can stand alone because the faith always bring together stories"

Gituuu deh ^_^
Hehe entahlah secara bintang2 itu rasanya hangaaat dan selalu ceria (kacamata org awam bangetlah pokoknya. Kebiasaan nongkrong liat bintang di langit hahaha!)

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